New Google Analytics Tags

Can someone help me get the new style Google Analytics configured ?
I have created an analytics account on and now have a new style G-0123456789 Measurement ID number instead of the older style universal analytics UA-9876543210 number.
I tried putting the G-0123456789 number into the CScart Google Analytics Add-on but could not see any real time tracking results and view source on a browser revealed that the code snippet inserted by the add-on was completely different to what Google Analytics requires. It seems to only support the older style UA ids.
If I understand it correctly, there is a new way of integrating analytics and other 3rd party snippets using tags now.
So, I have set up a account and now have a GTM-ABCDEFG number. This also suggested a script snippet to be added to every page of the website. Thankfully eCom Labs publish a free Google Tag Manager add on which does this and I can see the snippet is all good using view source in a browser and appearing on every web page.
In I added a 'Google Analytics: GA4 configuration" tag and used the G-0123456789 number as the measurement ID and trigger to "Send a page view event when this configuration loads"
Back in analytics in the Web Stream Details there is a Connected Site Tags field which I have tried with and without the G-0123456789 but there is still no real time tracking info showing up in Analytics.
Debugging using fails with "Tag Assistant could not connect to a tag on"
Any ideas what have I missed or done wrong ?

Update: SOLVED I had not realised one has to publish the tag within after setting it up, having done that connected but still nothing is showed up in analytics even though debug showed the analytics tag firing okay on each page I loaded. After a few minutes it started working so presumably there is a short lag from publishing until analytics kicks in.

I'll leave this thread up and hope this helps someone, it was all pretty opaque to me to start with.

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