Improvements Needed In Products List Page And Common Products.

Hi there,

We have a suggestion to improve multivendor. As multivendor grows in terms of functionalities, it is opening so many doors for users to have storefronts in different regions, countries and even in same region targeting different types of users.

1. Products list:

Currently there is no way we can organise the products. Can you imagine if you have more than 5000 products in list and you have to scroll through if you don't remember the name of product to search.

A possible solution: Allow products to be organised in user created folders. Products should be movable between folders. Folders should be re-namable.

It will clean up product list page so much.

2. Common products:

Vendors should have more features available to them for common products. They should be able to add their own SKU/CODE etc. They should be able to add their own inventory/pricing section and availability.

How technically this can be done?

- Use common basic product information but add other data fields as multitanent.

I hope you will consider this functionalities in near soon releases.

Many thanks,