How To Turn Off Display Base Href

Hello, can someone show you how to turn off display base href? (not modifying the code) I found this code in meta.tpl, but is there a way to turn it off without having to fix it?
Thank you!

Use my changes module and hook in the mentioned file to override template content

Thanks eComLabs!
Is there no option in the admin panel to disable this or why eComLabs? because it has {if $ display_base_href}
Because I do not want to edit the code, I ask on the forum if it is possible to disable it

Add the following code to this file (or create it if it's not in use): app/addons/my_changes/controllers/frontend/

Tygh::$app['view']->assign('display_base_href', false);


Thanks eComLabs!
Is there no option in the admin panel to disable this or why eComLabs? because it has {if $ display_base_href}
Because I do not want to edit the code, I ask on the forum if it is possible to disable it

No, it is not possible without additional code. Try solution from @tbirnseth. It should work

Thanks @tbirnseth and eComLabs