Bug Report In Product Edit Page > New Variant In Feature Form

I have noticed a bug in the product edit page, when I create new variants in the feature list.

More specific, I have created 58 features for my products, mainly for product search via filters and type multiple checkboxes. When I add a new variant in any of the multiple checkbox features, and the value of the new variant is numeric, then accidently, after saving my changes, if the numeric value exists as a variant ID in another feature, automatically and without taking any action, the numeric ID is selected.

For example, let's say I have 2 features (Weight and Length with variants that are ID:1 = "2 meters" & ID:2 = "3 meters"), and each feature type is multiple checkboxes. If I type "1" as a new variant in Weight and click save, then the selected options for my 2 features will be: Weight = 1 and Length = "2 meters".