Address Autocomplete By Google

Hi, I have got this module from Simtech and in admin when I try to edit order does not work at all

If I do same as new order from admin then it does work properly, it is normal?


Please contact addon developer with this question

:-) Thank you :-) Exactly what I was thinking about this module from Simtech


It is there some addon for google address that is working properly please?

I have just tried some from webkul and will not pick it up a town nor the number of house :-(


I do not know such addon

I am having the same problem, I purchased the add-on from Webkul 10 days ago and it has never even worked, they keep saying they are working on fixing it but nothing happens. (Their site claims it is compat with 4.11 it's not)

I already owned the Simtech version but that has never worked.

It is there some addon for google address that is working properly please?

I have just tried some from webkul and will not pick it up a town nor the number of house :-(


We use this on our website since years. Works like a charm. Have you setup the correct API and have you setup the API correctly?

Hello Friends!

That's correct, the Address Autocomplete by Google add-on (be Simtech Development) requires Maps JavaScript API and Places API to be enabled. Also, try checking if the add-on version is compatible with your store version. For example, the latest version suits for stores 4.10.x-4.11.x.

If it won't help, please contact us via our HelpDesk system for examination of the issue.

I've found an issue using this Addon.
You can use it for a separate housenumber field. However, doing so will cause issues on some payment providers, because they won't get the housenumber from the field. As i see it there are two options.

1) Change the payment providers addon so it also fetches the housenumber field.

2) Somesort of option in the addon that combines the housenumber again.

Reason we use a housenumber is because LOT's of customers kept forgetting their housenumber.

Simtech, think you got a solution for this?

I've added the code where it should be changed in this particular addon.

use Tygh\Registry;

require_once(dirname(FILE) . ‘/paynl/classes/Autoload.php’);

function fn_getCredential($var)
$paynl_setting = Registry::get(‘addons.paynl_addon’);
return array(‘token_api’ => $paynl_setting[‘token_api’],
‘service_id’ => $paynl_setting[‘service_id’]);

function fn_get_ideal_banks($processor_data)

$service = new Pay_Api_Getservice();
try {
    $result = $service->doRequest();
    $banks = $result['paymentOptions'][$processor_data['processor_params']['optionId']]['paymentOptionSubList'];

    return $banks;
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), $ex->getMessage());



function fn_paynl_getInfo($payNLTransactionID, $processor_data)
$payApiInfo = new Pay_Api_Info();
try {
$result = $payApiInfo->doRequest();
} catch (Exception $ex) {
fn_set_notification(‘E’, __(‘error’), $ex->getMessage());
return $result;

function fn_paynl_getState($payNLTransactionID, $processor_data)
$payApiInfo = new Pay_Api_Info();
try {
$result = $payApiInfo->doRequest();
} catch (Exception $ex) {
fn_set_notification(‘E’, __(‘error’), $ex->getMessage());
$state = Pay_Helper::getStateText($result[‘paymentDetails’][‘state’]);
return $state;

function fn_paynl_startTransaction($order_id, $order_info, $processor_data, $exchangeUrl, $finishUrl, $paymentOptionSubId = null)
$payNL = new Pay_Api_Start();
$payNL->setAmount(floatval($order_info[‘total’]) * 100);

if (!empty($paymentOptionSubId)) {


$s_address = splitAddress(trim($order_info['s_address'] . ' ' . $order_info['s_address_2']));
$b_address = splitAddress(trim($order_info['b_address'] . ' ' . $order_info['b_address_2']));
$payNL->setEnduser(array('accessCode' => $order_info['user_id'],
        'language' => $order_info['lang_code'],
        'initials' => $order_info['s_firstname'],
        'lastName' => $order_info['s_lastname'],
        'phoneNumber' => $order_info['s_phone'],
        'dob' => $order_info['birthday'],
        'emailAddress' => $order_info['email'],
        'address' => array('streetName' => $s_address[0],
            'streetNumber' => substr($s_address[1], 0, 4),
            'zipCode' => $order_info['s_zipcode'],
            'city' => $order_info['s_city'],
            'countryCode' => $order_info['s_country']),
        'invoiceAddress' => array('initials' => $order_info['b_firstname'],
            'lastName' => $order_info['b_lastname'],
            'streetName' => $b_address[0],
            'streetNumber' => substr($b_address[1], 0, 4),
            'zipCode' => $order_info['b_zipcode'],
            'city' => $order_info['b_city'],
            'countryCode' => $order_info['b_country']))


foreach ($order_info['products'] as $key => $product) {
    $prices = paynl_getTaxForItem($order_info, $key);

    $taxPercent = $prices['tax_amount'] / $prices['price_excl'] * 100;

    $taxClass = paynl_getTaxClass($taxPercent);

        round($prices['price_incl'] * 100),

$payment_surcharge = paynl_getTaxForSurcharge($order_info);
if ($payment_surcharge['price_incl'] > 0) {
    $item_name = $order_info['payment_method']['surcharge_title'];
    $taxPercent = $payment_surcharge['tax_amount'] / $payment_surcharge['price_excl'] * 100;

    $taxClass = paynl_getTaxClass($taxPercent);

    $payNL->addProduct(substr($item_name, 0, 24), $item_name, round($payment_surcharge['price_incl'] * 100), 1, $taxClass);

// Shipping
$shipping_cost = paynl_getTaxForShipping($order_info);
if ($shipping_cost['price_incl'] > 0) {
    $taxPercent = $shipping_cost['tax_amount'] / $shipping_cost['price_excl'] * 100;

    $taxClass = paynl_getTaxClass($taxPercent);

    $payNL->addProduct('shipping_cost', __('shipping_cost'), round($shipping_cost['price_incl'] * 100), 1, $taxClass);
if (!empty($order_info['use_gift_certificates'])) {
    foreach ($order_info['use_gift_certificates'] as $k => $v) {
        $payNL->addProduct($v['gift_cert_id'], $k, floatval($v['cost']) * (-100), 1, 'N');

if (isset($order_info['subtotal_discount']) && $order_info['subtotal_discount'] > 0)
    $payNL->addProduct(__('discount'), __('discount'), $order_info['subtotal_discount'] * -100, 1, 'N');
if (!empty($order_info['gift_certificates'])) {
    foreach ($order_info['gift_certificates'] as $k => $v) {
        $v['amount'] = (!empty($v['extra']['exclude_from_calculate'])) ? 0 : $v['amount'];
        $payNL->addProduct($v['gift_cert_id'], $v['gift_cert_code'], (-100) * $v['amount'], 1, 'N');

try {
    $result = $payNL->doRequest();
    return $result;
} catch (Exception $ex) {
    fn_set_notification('E', __('error'), $ex->getMessage());


function splitAddress($strAddress)
$strAddress = trim($strAddress);
$a = preg_split(‘/([0-9]+)/’, $strAddress, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$strStreetName = trim(array_shift($a));
$strStreetNumber = trim(implode(‘’, $a));

if (empty($strStreetName)) { // American address notation
    $a = preg_split('/([a-zA-Z]{2,})/', $strAddress, 2, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

    $strStreetNumber = trim(implode('', $a));
    $strStreetName = trim(array_shift($a));

return array($strStreetName, $strStreetNumber);


//calculate incl and excl tax for a product
function paynl_getTaxForItem($order_info, $item_id)
$price = floatval($order_info[‘products’][$item_id][‘subtotal’]) / $order_info[‘products’][$item_id][‘amount’];
$price_excl = $price;
$price_incl = $price;

if (array_key_exists('tax_value', $order_info['products'][$item_id]) &&
    $order_info['products'][$item_id]['tax_value'] > 0
) {
    // tax setting is set to unit_price
    $tax_amount = $order_info['products'][$item_id]['tax_value'] / $order_info['products'][$item_id]['amount'];
    $price_excl -= $tax_amount;
    return array(
        'price_excl' => $price_excl,
        'price_incl' => $price_incl,
        'tax_amount' => $tax_amount

// tax setting is set to subtotal
foreach ($order_info['taxes'] as $tax_rule) {
    if (
        array_key_exists($item_id, $tax_rule['applies']['items']['P']) &&
        $tax_rule['applies']['items']['P'][$item_id] === true
    ) {
        if ($tax_rule['rate_type'] == 'P') {
            // tax is a percentage
            $tax_percent = (floatval($tax_rule['rate_value']) / 100);
            if ($tax_rule['price_includes_tax'] == 'N') {
                // tax not inculded
                $tax_amount = $price * $tax_percent;
                $price_incl += $tax_amount;
            } else {
                // tax included
                $tax_amount = $price / (1 + $tax_percent) * $tax_percent;
                $price_excl -= $tax_amount;
        } elseif ($tax_rule['rate_type'] == 'F') {
            // tax is fixed
            $tax_amount = floatval($tax_rule['rate_value']);
            // for some reason a fixed tax is shared between all products in the order
            // so we divide the amount by the number of products this tax applies to
            $tax_amount = $tax_amount / count($tax_rule['applies']['items']['P']);
            if ($tax_rule['price_includes_tax'] == 'N') {
                $price_incl += $tax_amount;
            } else {
                $price_excl -= $tax_amount;

return array(
    'price_excl' => $price_excl,
    'price_incl' => $price_incl,
    'tax_amount' => $price_incl - $price_excl


//calculate incl and excl tax for a product
function paynl_getTaxForShipping($order_info)
if (array_key_exists(‘shipping’, $order_info)) {
$price_incl = 0;
$price_excl = 0;

    $tax_amount = 0;
    foreach ($order_info['shipping'] as $shipping) {
        $price_incl += $shipping['rate'];
        $price_excl += $shipping['rate'];
        if (array_key_exists('taxes', $shipping) && $shipping['taxes'] != false) {
            foreach ($shipping['taxes'] as $tax_rule) {
                $tax_amount += $tax_rule['tax_subtotal'];
                if ($tax_rule['price_includes_tax'] == 'Y') {
                    $price_excl -= $tax_rule['tax_subtotal'];
                } else {
                    $price_incl += $tax_rule['tax_subtotal'];

    return array(
        'price_excl' => $price_excl,
        'price_incl' => $price_incl,
        'tax_amount' => $tax_amount


//calculate incl and excl tax for the payment surcharge
function paynl_getTaxForSurcharge($order_info)
$price_excl = $price_incl = floatval($order_info[‘payment_surcharge’]);
$tax_amount = 0;

foreach ($order_info['taxes'] as $tax_rule) {
    // tax setting is set to subtotal
    if (
        array_key_exists('PS', $tax_rule['applies']) &&
        $tax_rule['applies']['PS'] > 0
    ) {
        $tax_amount = $tax_rule['applies']['PS'];
        if ($tax_rule['price_includes_tax'] == 'N') {
            // tax not included
            $price_incl += $tax_amount;
        } else {
            // tax included
            $price_excl -= $tax_amount;
    } else {
        // tax setting is set to unit price
        foreach ($tax_rule['applies'] as $key => $applies) {
            if (substr($key, 0, 2) == "PS" && is_float($applies)) {
                $tax_amount += $applies;
                if ($tax_rule['price_includes_tax'] == 'N') {
                    $price_incl += $applies;
                } else {
                    $price_excl -= $applies;

return array(
    'price_excl' => $price_excl,
    'price_incl' => $price_incl,
    'tax_amount' => $price_incl - $price_excl


function paynl_getTaxClass($percentage)
$taxClasses = array(
0 => ‘N’,
9 => ‘L’,
21 => ‘H’
$nearestTaxRate = paynl_nearest($percentage, array_keys($taxClasses));
return ($taxClasses[$nearestTaxRate]);


  • Get the nearest number
  • @param int $number
  • @param array $numbers
  • @return int|bool nearest number false on error
    function paynl_nearest($number, $numbers)
    $output = FALSE;
    $number = intval($number);
    if (is_array($numbers) && count($numbers) >= 1) {
    $NDat = array();
    foreach ($numbers as $n) {
    $NDat[abs($number - $n)] = $n;
    $NDat = array_values($NDat);
    $output = $NDat[0];
    return $output;

I've found an issue using this Addon.
You can use it for a separate housenumber field. However, doing so will cause issues on some payment providers, because they won't get the housenumber from the field. As i see it there are two options.

1) Change the payment providers addon so it also fetches the housenumber field.

2) Somesort of option in the addon that combines the housenumber again.

Hi, Mumbomedia! Thank you for letting me know about the issue you faced. We will check it. What are the payment providers you use?

Hi, Mumbomedia! Thank you for letting me know about the issue you faced. We will check it. What are the payment providers you use?

Hi. We use
That’s where the script paste is from. They won’t edit it, since default ca cart doesn’t use that field.

Hi. We use
That’s where the script paste is from. They won’t edit it, since default ca cart doesn’t use that field.

Thank you for additional info! I created a task to add-on's department backlog to improve the add-on's work.

Thank you for additional info! I created a task to add-on's department backlog to improve the add-on's work.

Hi, any updates on this?

Hi, any updates on this?

Hello, Mumbomedia! The task is still in backlog currently.