Display / Hide Block Title

HI, I'm running 4.7
and I can not figure how to hide or display the block title

The default install do show the block title, but when I create a new block it does not..

I look at the code. this is what I'm missing on my own block

Our brands

it does not appear to be related to User-defined CSS-class

Usually block header depends on the selected wrapper


Hi, I'm still struggling with this...

I'm using Bright theme I only get to chose between "no wrapper" or 'lite check out"

when using the original main layout.. I get the title but can not hide them

when using a importer layout from a previous install off cs cart.. I get no tile and can not display them -_-

do you have any good suggestion?

I investigated further.. it's really weird:

If I use the main layout.. I get the block name to be displayed..
If I delete a block from the layout (not the block it self) and re add i the name of the block is not displayed

Looks like you are trying to change wrapper for grid, but it should be changed on the block level

just add a space instead of a title simple as that

kaltersia inserting a html block is a way around.. Thank you if I cant find and other way I'll do that but the result is not the same

eComLabs I'm not sur I follow

when looking with a "inspector" this is what the "impossible thing i cannot reproduce look like"


there is a lot of code with a

in the block that is missing when I recreate that block on my own.
lets call this block with the

teh cool block for comprehention sake

an other weird thing
if I move this "cool" block to an other grid... it does not keep its title.
and If I move and other block to the grid the "cool" blok was .. is does not displays its title either

Anyway ..It might be to complicate to figure out what going on.. to go back to your original reply.
in usual situation it is the block wrapper that chose if there is a title or not ?
where do we edit those wrapper and how? doesn't the default theme comes with already made wrapper?

i cann't follow you from your first post you say i cannot hide block title or show.

to hide block title

1 . use no wrapper

2 . use space instead of writing a tittle

to show block title write the title and use wrapper ( h1,h2,h3) heading

add your own class to that block than from css

example you add class =yourClassName

to show

.yourClassName h2 { display:block;}

to hide

.yourClassName h2 { display:none;}

Sorry let me rephrase:

Here is what my layout look like

the only wrapper option I have are:


1) IF I understand correctly in normal cases title display depends on the wrapper

===> where do I edit wrapper
===> where do I create new one



default wrappers are located in "/design/themes/responsive/templates/blocks/wrappers/"

you can create your own wrappers at "/design/themes/responsive/templates/addons/my_changes/blocks/wrappers/"

to use own wrappers you have first to enable my_changes addon and create the directories and files manually

I've enabled "My changes"

I created a /design/themes/responsive/templates/addons/my_changes/blocks/wrappers/
and a
/design/themes/bright_theme/templates/addons/my_changes/blocks/wrappers/ (since I'm using bright)

I placed test.tpl

{if $content|trim}

{hook name="wrapper:mainbox_simple_title"} {if $smarty.capture.title|trim} {$smarty.capture.title nofilter} {else} {$title nofilter} {/if} {/hook}


But I can not see any change in the wrapper list I still only have none or lite checkout

Have you deleted cache from " /var/cache/ "

this is what i have in general.tpl but you have a very old cs-cart version

{if $content|trim}
{if $title || $smarty.capture.title|trim} {hook name="wrapper:mainbox_general_title_wrapper"}

{hook name="wrapper:mainbox_general_title"} {if $smarty.capture.title|trim} {$smarty.capture.title nofilter} {else} {$title nofilter} {/if} {/hook}

{/hook} {/if}
{$content nofilter}
But I can not see any change in the wrapper list I still only have none or lite checkout

Again, you are checking grid wrappers. You should check block wrappers


I deleted /var/cache/*
Sorry : (
No luck , only wrapper available still is "lite checkout"

Note: I manage to update to the latest cs cart , my mainbox_general.tpl in responsive should be the same

{if $content|trim}
{if $title || $smarty.capture.title|trim} {hook name="wrapper:mainbox_general_title_wrapper"}

{hook name="wrapper:mainbox_general_title"} {if $smarty.capture.title|trim} {$smarty.capture.title nofilter} {else} {$title nofilter} {/if} {/hook}

{/hook} {/if}
{$content nofilter}

Again, you are checking grid wrappers. You should check block wrappers


where do you select see those? not in the layout editing panel?

By blocs wrappers you mean blocs templates.

I should edit core file. ok .. kind of feels extreme .. I need to find those do you know where they are located


Check for wrappers at the block

the red circle there are youre wrappers.


By blocs wrappers you mean blocs templates.
attachicon.gif Capture.JPG

I should edit core file. ok .. kind of feels extreme .. I need to find those do you know where they are located

As it was mentioned before, wrappers are located here


and you can create own wrappers for blocks with your module

After the new wrapper is created, do not forget to clear cache

I FINALY FOUND THE PROBLEM / But did not solve it..

Check for wrappers at the block

the red circle there are youre wrappers.

This cogwhell always give me a a "ErrorOops, something went wrong (Forbidden). Please try again." and does nothings..

I tried the CS cart demo .. and the cogwhell does display a page...! so here is my problem

I tried all theme.. same issue..
I'm running 4.11.5

and here is my server error log ..

ModSecurity: Access denied with code 403 (phase 2).
Pattern match “(?i:\\b(?:t(?:able_name\\b|extpos[^a-zA-Z0-9_]{1,}\\()|
(?:ubstr(?:ing){0,1}|ys(?:c(?:at|o(?:lumn|nstraint)s)|dba|ibm|(?:filegroup|o …”
at ARGS_NAMES:dynamic_object[object_id]. [file “/etc/apache2/modsecurity.d/rules/comodo_free/22_SQL_SQLi.conf”]
[line “17”] [id “211540”] [rev “12”] [msg “COMODO WAF: Blind SQL Injection Attack||shop.ruederome.com|F|2”]
[data “Matched Data: object_id found within ARGS_NAMES:dynamic_object[object_id]: dynamic_object[object_id]”]
[severity “CRITICAL”] [tag “CWAF”] [tag “SQLi”] [hostname “shop.xxx.com”]
[uri “/admin.php”] [unique_id “X5fWcH8AAQEAAETGcikAAAAV”],
referer: https://shop.xxx.com/admin.php?dispatch=block_manager.manage