Adding Regrex In My Backend Textarea


I have made a form at my admin panel . There i have made a text area field for the detailed description.

But i am unable to put regrex in it. As I have seen how to use regrex in an input field. But it is not working on textarea case.

please help if anyone know about the in-build way to use regrex on textarea orI have to write code for it.
please provide the hints.

You might try doing it independently of cs-cart functionality....

Did you try cm-regexp microformat?

Yes I have tried cm-regrex as it work fine in input fields but is is not working in textarea.


What I was looking is how to input my own JavaScript validation code into a template file.
I did it.

Thanks for helping.


What I was looking is how to input my own JavaScript validation code into a template file.
I did it.

Thanks for helping.

how am trying to do the same ??? any help please??