Call Request Addon -Awaiting Call Status


i wish to get read of "awaiting call" order status. As I read its related to call request addon.

but on my addon list its not installed. And when i wanted to install it to uninstall again. I get this error:

Table 'dbcall_requests' already exists (1050): CREATE TABLE `dbcall_requests` ( `request_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `company_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `order_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `user_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `product_id` mediumint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `timestamp` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', `status` enum('new', 'in_progress', 'completed', 'no_answer') NOT NULL default 'new', `name` varchar(250) NOT NULL default '', `phone` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '', `time_from` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `time_to` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', `notes` text, `cart_products` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'Serialized data', PRIMARY KEY (`request_id`), KEY `user_id` (`company_id`,`user_id`), KEY `timestamp` (`timestamp`), KEY `status` (`status`) ) Engine=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET UTF8;
How can i get read of this awaiting call order status?

Go to phpMyAdmin and delete the dbcall_requests table. Then install and uninstall the addon

Go to phpMyAdmin and delete the dbcall_requests table. Then install and uninstall the addon


I delete dbcall_requests table and i could install and uninstall this addon after that. I did that a couple of thime, but i still can see awaiting call staus, just in case i also removed all the awaiting call orders, but it didnt helped.

Is there a way to install it manually?

How can i find out what files this addon installs besides the one in addon floder?

Thank you

In this case in phpMyAdmin do the following

- go to dbstatuses and find line with status=Y and type=0

- remember status_id value

- delete this line

- delete lines with this status id from the following tables



(!) Do not forget to make database backup

Thank you eComLabs.

It worked!

You are welcome!