Is There A Way To Bulk Edit Tags For Products?

Hi, so you know how you can mass/bulk edit some things on products (Features, Quantity, Price, etc.)? Is there a way to be able to put the same tags on multiple products at once in the same way?

Are you asking about the bulk edit feature?

Generate a product listing.

Select which products you want to act on.

Then from the GEAR menu, select 'bulk edit products'

Yes, I'm aware of that feature and that was what I was referring to, but you cannot bulk edit Tags right now, it's not one of the options like how price, feature, vendor, etc. are in there.

Hi, so you know how you can mass/bulk edit some things on products (Features, Quantity, Price, etc.)? Is there a way to be able to put the same tags on multiple products at once in the same way?

You can use our module to import tags for products