Ez Common Addon Issue

Last night we had a "fat finger experience" where a problem went out for distribution unintentionally.

If you are experiencing an issue with the ez_common addon, please contact us vie phone, email or the contact-us link on our website and we'll get you taken care of as quickly as possible.

Alternatively, you can extract this archive into the root of your store and it will address the issue:


Automated upgrades are a two-edged sword. When it works, it works great for both provider and consumer and no one notices. However, when an issue erupts, it gets distributed far and wide and all hell breaks loose at once. Kinda like a virus!

Stay safe and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

This is why continuous integration exists, but I couldn't agree more!

Would this be why I can't login to the backend of my site?

Would this be why I can't login to the backend of my site?


Your attached file worked. Thanks.