Default Filter Value

Hello all,

I have a filter in a clothing store that separates products based on Season. That requires the users though to actually go and select the filter in order to have the proper season products displayed.

That's a lot of fuss and people won't do it and probably get frustrated browsing winter and summer clothes within each category.

Is there any plugin that I can set it to have a default value on a specific filter?

I can also do it if I could add some code in the php file that loads the category section but I have no clue where to find that file.

It's a pretty simple functionality though. I believe there should be a plugin around to save me the fuss.

Thanks for your input.

what about having them split into categories of summer and winter collections instead.

you mean redo the whole category tree for summer?

No Just add 2 main top categories "shop summer" "shop winter"

then drop all the stuff in each one as secondary categories so they still stay in the previous category but are now also in "shop summer" and "shop winter"

this can be done easily by export import in a spreadsheet.

But that would separate the products of each category permanently. There will be no way for a visitor to see all shirts (regardles of season). Right now it's possible to have no filter selected and view all products in a category. Then I can filter them out.

If I separate them by category, I won't be able to navigate to the winter products without a separate menu item. I literally have to disable one season's products.

I need the ability to have a "preferred option" or filter enabled. I tried some htaccess magic but it seems that it doesn't work with all the redirects that happen.

Here is the code I tried for referrence:

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !(^|&)features_hash= [NC]
RewriteRule ^ %{REQUEST_URI}?features_hash=314-44914 [L,R=301,NC,QSA]

That only redirects the home page though to the query of the filter and does not work on subsequent ULRs.

I solved it by adding the following in htaccess

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !admin.php [NC]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !(^|&)features_hash= [NC]
RewriteRule . %{REQUEST_URI}?features_hash=314-44914 [L,R=301,NC,QSA]

Of course I used my personal admin.php string and now the entire site has a default features hash which selects the summer collection clothes.

I excluded from that the admin backend and also the homepage. So no filter there.


great, thanks for sharing


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