Hide Category Description

Is there a way to hide the category description just on mobile devices..? and not affect SEO..?

Thanks in advance...


You can override hook


and maybe use library Mobile_Detect for hide or show descripction.

Best regards


It will affect seo in some way as there wont be as much content.

Google are also increasingly looking at websites that use hidden or none visible text, like scrollers etc, and examining it for ranking points.

Override the mentioned hook and wrap description with the following code


Override the mentioned hook and wrap description with the following code


This works great.. Do you think there will be any negative impacts on SEO..??

Of course there will. See Johnbol1's comment above.

This works great.. Do you think there will be any negative impacts on SEO..??

Please check official answer here


Since this seems to be the wrong way. Is there a way to move the category description to the bottom of the page..? Thanks You guys are awesome...

I believe that if you condition the display of category description to show on all but mobile devices then you won't get nailed for trying to spoof them by hiding the data. However, when your site is scanned it's going to have different seo rankings for desktop and mobile. I have no idea if (or how much) Big-G will penalize you for that. Hence you can do #2 and #5 above with it conditioned on the device being a mobile device. Not sure if there's a built-in function that will tell you if the device is a mobile device. You might have to load a separate 3rd party library.

So the real question is "is all this worth it"? If your descriptions are too long, then maybe simply shorten them.

Since this seems to be the wrong way. Is there a way to move the category description to the bottom of the page..? Thanks You guys are awesome...


Use categories::view hook in this file to move the following code

{if $category_data.description || $runtime.customization_mode.live_editor}
{$category_data.description nofilter}
before this line