Continue Shopping Button

I would like to code the Continue Shopping button to take the customer to the home page.

How can I do that?

Thank you

Create an override for the file design/themes/responsive/templates/buttons/continue_shopping.tpl and replace the parameter for but_target with the URL that you want to force customers to. I.e.:


To create the override, copy the above file to:


You may have to create the path. Insure the my_changes addon is active and clear the cache using ?cc&ctpl

This is the "best practices" approach that will give you the greatest upgrade resiliance. Feel free to contact me via the link in my signature if you're not comfortable making this change by yourself.

To create the override, copy the above file to:


You may have to create the path. Insure the my_changes addon is active and clear the cache using ?cc&ctpl

Just small correction

The correct path should be


thanks for the correction. shouldn't have had the additional 'my_changes' in the path. Most of the time I'm overriding addon pages....

Thank you both