At Checkout "create An Account For Later Use" On Now, Want It Off

At the moment we use a CS-cart Rocks one page check out but it appears on any checkout.

Below the addresses a new customer enters, there's a question :
"create an accoun for later use? upon which they can enter passwords.

This is ticked ON right now, we want it OFF as we noticed that esp older customers have a problem entering the same password twice. I had an elderly lady on the phone, who couldn't get it entered and I told her eventually to tick it off, so she could complete her order.

I looked EVERYWHERE but can't find the option to turn it off.
We also offer to people to create an account after completing the order, which is fine with us and can be turned off easily in the settings - checkout page.

But change it on the cart page? Nope nothing.. is this because of the cs-cart rocks modification?


Hi, you can go to Add-ons->Step-by-Step Checkout [Deprecated]->Choose 'Checkout as guest' for Default option for the "New customer" section at the "Sign in"

No,that's not what I meant, we already have this option for a guest checkout.

I simply mean to have the box next to 'create a new account' off as people apparently have big problems to enter the same password in the exact same way (you only see black dots) especially when they are seniors working on an iPad. The customer kept getting 'error' codes back , stating the chosen password was not the same in both fields.


OK, thanks it is 'unchecked' now by default.. Thanks for helping us out!



Thanks to CS CartRocks main developer Louis.