Invoice Logo When Not Using Theme Editor


I have developed a custom theme that does not currently support theme editor. In fact, I have no real need for the theme to use theme editor as the theme is directly related to the storefront and not to be reused across different storefronts.

I am having an issue with specifying the logo to be used on the invoice templates.

I would like to specify the invoice logo in the theme manifest.json, but I am unsure how to do this. Currently my theme manifest looks like this.

Does this configuration look right? If so, how do I reference the logo images in template files?

Thanks in advance...

    "title": "BFA",
    "description": "Custom theme",
    "logo": "media/images/logos/main_logo.png",
    "mail": "media/images/logos/mail_logo.png",
    "favicon": "media/images/icons/favicon.ico",
    "settings_overrides": {
        "General": {
            "enable_compare_products": false
        "Appearance": {
            "default_product_details_view": "redesign",
            "default_products_view": "products_without_options",
            "enable_quick_view": false,
            "products_per_page": 1000,
            "thumbnails_gallery": true
        "Thumbnails": {
            "product_lists_thumbnail_width": 300,
            "product_lists_thumbnail_height": 300

Looks like the logos are picked up and registered against the theme when the theme is installed. I was just directly editing the manifest.json in the installed theme.