Converting Products Into Variations And Merging


About to convert options to variations. Have a couple of questions about this.

1) It says: Converting products into variations.
Does it actually going to convert every options into products? For example, will a t-shirt with 4 sizes show up as 4 individual products?

2) This webshop sells a lot of clothing, but also other things that use an option SIZE.

At this moment they have features like SHOE SIZE, BELT SIZE, ARM SIZE, HEAD SIZE, Stuff like that. Is that something you want to merge into just SIZE or just don't merge it.

3) Is there actually more in depth information about the whole conversion progress? Cannot seem to find it.


I'm trying it on the testversion now, but upon conversion i am getting an error:

Database (error)
Error: Column 'feature_code' cannot be null (1048)
Query: INSERT INTO cscart_product_features (`feature_code`, `purpose`, `status`, `feature_style`, `filter_style`, `feature_type`, `company_id`, `position`, `categories_path`) VALUES (NULL, 'group_variation_catalog_item', 'A', 'dropdown', 'checkbox', 'S', 11, NULL, '159,141,135')
Backtrace››admin.php (fn_dispatch): 27
app/functions/fn.control.php (fn_run_controller): 427
app/functions/fn.control.php (include): 669
app/addons/product_variations/controllers/backend/product_variations_converter.php (fn_product_variations_convert_process): 53
app/addons/product_variations/controllers/backend/product_variations_converter.php (fn_product_variations_convert_process_feature): 282
app/addons/product_variations/controllers/backend/product_variations_converter.php (fn_update_product_feature): 1058
app/functions/fn.catalog.php (db_query): 5302
app/functions/fn.database.php (query): 133
app/Tygh/Database/Connection.php (throwError): 503