Ez Auto Mail Now Compatible With 4.10

We have updated our EZ Auto Mail addon to be compatible with version 4.10.x of cs-cart.

We are also working on EZ Squarepay, EZ Admin Helper and EZ Checkout Summary Fields.

Separate posts will follow as we convert/verify our addons.

Nice work, Tony!

We have just released a new version (4.10.60) that provides a "preview" link on the Sent Items queue. It was nearly impossible to preview Cart type templates given those are sent immediately upon running the queue. You can now go to the sent items queue listing and click "preview" for any item to have a new tab opened with the email that was sent displayed. You can then fine-tune your template.

As usual, your site should upgrade automatically over the next couple of days. If you want to upgrade immediately, use this url to force an upgrade:

[your domain/admin url].php?dispatch=auto_mail.upgrade.force[

Let us know if you find any other issues to helpful improvements.