Implementing Sales Tracking Pixel


One of my manifactures requires to include my store link in "where to buy" section of his website and for this requires to implement a sales tracking code in order both parts to get infomation how this is affecting in both sites, since i have not any experience in this, can anyone help me with some instruction ?

Thanks in advance,

For example, you can add pixel code to layout page and copy it to other layouts pages

For example, you can add pixel code to layout page and copy it to other layouts pages

I want the pixel code to show only on the page where the products of this manifacture are displayed

There is no easy way to detect such pages (categories, search results, items in blocks, etc). Quite complex code modifications are required


Your pixel can be implemented with our addon "PRO Remarketing - all pixels". This addon can detect required pages and insert pixel codes.

Small modification should be required.

If you will need this modification, please contact us.