Guest Shopping On Select Products

I am seeking to:

  • Display all products to Guests
  • Only allow a subset of products to be purchasable by Guests
  • Only display prices in items that are allowed to be purchased by the current user.

I can't seem to find a way to do this.

If I set:

  • "Disable anonymous checkout" to false
  • "Allow shopping for unlogged customers:" to Allow

Then all default products are visible (DESIRED) and their prices are visible to everyone (NOT DESIRED)

If I set a products that I don't want to be sold to a guests "Availability" option to registered then these products are no longer visible to guests. This is not desired.

Is there a method to do what I am seeking out of the box that I am missing?

I am afraid, it is not possible out of the box. You can enable mentioned options for the whole catalog only

I am afraid, it is not possible out of the box. You can enable mentioned options for the whole catalog only

Thank you!