Show Paypal Fee In Admin Order Page

Is there an easy way to display the amount of fees that paypal took out from the order when viewing an order in the Admin page? I see the "Payment Information" column on the right side that seems like a logical place to display that.

As far as I remember, PayPal does not return this information in the IPN message

Can be done, but requires additional coding

Contact us thru our webpage if you are interested.

This is for Paypal standard (not express or pro).

As far as I remember, PayPal does not return this information in the IPN message

Looks like its "payment_fee" in the IPN response unless it's changed.

If it's shown on the order.details page then the data is captured and all you have to do is determine the 'key' for the payment_data array.

Why PP fee is always higher than the standard one? I got, for instance, $4.75 fee for $110 payment. It makes about 4.3% PP fee. On the other hand, if you increase the sum by the processing fee in the settings, PayPal says this is illegal...

It's not illegal, but it violates their terms of service.