Dashboard In The Admin Panel Of Multi-Vendor.


What information, you as Marketplace owner would like to see at the Dashboard.

I suppose for now there for sure should be information about Vendors activity, because vendors and their activity are the key for success business.

I plan to add the following data to the dashboard of root admin (store owner)

Vendors with sales: XX - how many vendors got the orders for selected period

New Vendors: XX- number of vendors registered in the selected period

Vendors with new products: XX - how many vendors created new products for this period

Not logged in Vendors: XX - vendors who did not log in for the period.

New Products: XX - number of products created for the selcted period

Orders created: XX - number of orders placed for the selected period.

What do you think about these numbers? Please share you ideas.

I plan to add the following data to the dashboard of root admin (store owner)

Vendors with sales: XX - how many vendors got the orders for selected period

New Vendors: XX- number of vendors registered in the selected period

Vendors with new products: XX - how many vendors created new products for this period

Not logged in Vendors: XX - vendors who did not log in for the period.

New Products: XX - number of products created for the selcted period

Orders created: XX - number of orders placed for the selected period.

What do you think about these numbers? Please share you ideas.

Abandoned / Live carts - Links to See them and Purge them

New comments and reviews - both in vendor.php and admin.php

Quick Menu for Vendors would be also very convenient


- Approved Products (Not Pending) ... Active products covers both pending and approved .. be good to know how many approved products

- Today uploaded products

- (In-Complete) orders .. Live carts etc ...

Maybe, would be good to know how many orders not shipped by vendors yet.

it is very important to create a heading, called "account health", with a score of 1 to 100.
Depending on certain parameters being met by the seller, the score will remain at 100 or fall. If the score drops below 80, the seller will be notified to solve the problems that led to the scoring.
If the score drops below 60, the seller's account is suspended until all issues are resolved.
If the score falls below 50, the seller's contract is canceled.
The score may be influenced by:
1. Orders refused
2. Non-updated stocks
3. Outdated prices
4. Delayed deliveries
5. Completed orders but status unchanged
6. Orders stolen from the marketplace and made beside
7. Initiating false orders to other sellers
8. Large number of returns
9. Product warranty issues
10. High number of negative reviews
11. He does not pay the commission in time
12. Do not return the money in time to customers
And other
As we all talk about new stuff.
It's very important that when you edit a seller's account, besides the description, we also have the possibility to create tabs for useful information: return policy, warranty conditions, confidentiality, order delivery. All of this will appear on the site, under the seller's box. Currently only description and reviews appear.
Equally important is that business customers can create their account and buy, not just individuals. I recommend that when completing an order, we have 3 ways:
1. Create a person's account
2. Create Company Account
3. Place the order without an account
There is much to say, but at the moment I stop here.