Product Tags - Whats The Benefit?

What is the benefit to using Product Tags? Is there any SEO value to them etc? Thanks

More options to show similar products on one list

Look at my profile posts

I use a lot of tags

You will understand


What is the benefit to using Product Tags? Is there any SEO value to them etc? Thanks

Tags can be used to group products with some specific characteristics or parameters.

Also, developing companies, like us, for example, often use the tag functionality to bound different products and things.

For example, our Similar products add-on allows displaying products with the same tag on the product page or our Power Blog can display products with the same tags on the blog article page and blog posts with the same tags can be displayed on the product page.

Best regards,

Our team also offers 3 addons for tags improvements

- Similar Items

- Export/ Import Tags

- Filter By Tags