Serving Images From A Subdomain

Does anyone have idea of required configuration to serve images from a subdomain say

Any add-ons that could help?

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Hello therem,
there is another topic here:
that says:

“There are more ways to modify the url but the simple and fastest is:
#on file config.php
$config[‘images_path’] = $config[‘current_path’] . ‘/images/’;
$config[‘images_path’] = ‘’ . ‘/images/’;
I hope that helps,”

If you find another solution or you emplemanted something, please let me know!


Just curious - what would you like to achieve by serving images from another domain? Do you want to speed up the website this way?

Hello everyone,
someone who managed to do that ? Is this so defficult and lots of mods to do that ? Suposed I could managed to display the images via a subdomain what are the modification codes shoud be made so I could SAVE the images inside a product and so on (banners, promo etc)?

Yes, for speed up the website! Is that possible and possible?