Ez Black Friday (Through Sunday)

We're offering 25% off all addon purchases through Sunday 11/25/18. Don't miss out! We don't do this very often!

Auto Mailer - Send followup emails on orders, form submissions, abandoned carts, new registrations, etc. Let customers submit reviews in bulk.

Buy One Gift One - Let customer declare a gift of a product after purchasing a product. They can gift themselves or others.

Bulk Status Change - Change statuses of orders in bulk. I.e. change all "In process" to "Shipped" at end of day.

Category Discounts - Provide discounts on products in category based on quantity purchased from category.

Charities - Enable your site to donate a portion of proceeds to charities you or your clients select. Donation amounts configurable by admin. Customer can choose which charity at checkout.

Checkout Charities - Round-up or donate amount to a single charity. Customer pays this donation while in our "Charities" addon, the merchant pays for the contribution.

Checkout Summary Fields - Add options at checkout like gift cards and text capture, gift wrapping, gender selection, special occasion, etc. Allows you to add cost for selected fields or to just use for information.

Cost Based Pricing and Profit Reporting - Optionally use cost as the basis for pricing. Import/Export as well as individual settings in the product details. Show profit in admin order views by item and on order.

Email Logging - Log all outbound emails that come from your site. Helps debug email issues and lets you verify that emails were in fact sent.

EZ Admin Helper - Schedule maintenance activities, file comparison check, check your site for known security intrusions, backup database, clear various caches, set admin url, etc. All the little things you need to do on one page. Can be run from cron on a cycle you choose.

EZ Tax Reporting - Display collected taxes by jurisdiction and responsibility. Critical for MVE environments to show vendors what their tax liability is to the taxing authorities they are responsible to.

EZ Vendor Plans Plus - Category commissions, allocation of funds like taxes, shipping, etc. to either Vendor or Merchant with ability to remove from commissionable amounts. Give bonuses to vendors who meet certain performance targets.

Group Minimum Orders - Require usergroup(s) to have minimum cart value to checkout.

License Key Manager - Group products by key providers. Assign keys from providers to customer at checkout. Import new keys per provider. Export key usage.

Product Commissions - (Not for MVE, use EZ Vendor Plans Plus instead). Enable cs-cart merchants to assign commissions to products/categories. Great for photography/art sites where you want to provide commission on sales to providers of digital products.

Quickorder - Let customers choose from their order history to reorder past purchases.

Square Payments - Integration to Squareup, one of the most popular payment systems around. PCI compliant, use same account as your brick-and-mortar store, allows you to enter additional charges, refund, void, etc.

EZ Status History - See all order status changes in Admin just below the status change selector. Gives who, when and from/to.

Extended through Monday!