Move Del Address Profile Field

I added a new delivery address profile field

And although the position (40) works in the front end, I want it to appear n admin and on the invoice higher.

Where should I be editing please. using the old templates not the new ones with template editor



I figured out (ish)


find this chunk of code below around line 165 and moved a small part of it

{include file="profiles/profiles_extra_fields.tpl" fields=$profile_fields.S}

to where I needed it. My example still shows both fields as i have it in there twice for my needs

            {if $profile_fields.S}
            {assign var="profields_s" value=$profile_fields.S|fn_fields_from_multi_level:"field_name":"field_id"}


{if $order_info.s_firstname && $profields_s.s_firstname || $order_info.s_lastname && $profields_s.s_lastname}

{if $profields_s.s_firstname}{$order_info.s_firstname} {/if}{if $profields_s.s_lastname}{$order_info.s_lastname}{/if}

{/if} {include file="profiles/profiles_extra_fields.tpl" fields=$profile_fields.S} {if $order_info.s_address && $profields_s.s_address || $order_info.s_address_2 && $profields_s.s_address_2}

{if $profields_s.s_address}{$order_info.s_address} {/if}{if $profields_s.s_address_2}

{/if} {if $order_info.s_city && $profields_s.s_city || $order_info.s_state_descr && $profields_s.s_state || $order_info.s_zipcode && $profields_s.s_zipcode}

{if $profields_s.s_city}{$order_info.s_city}{if $profields_s.s_state},{/if} {/if}{if $profields_s.s_state}{$order_info.s_state_descr} {/if}{if $profields_s.s_zipcode}{$order_info.s_zipcode}{/if}

{/if} {if $order_info.s_country_descr && $profields_s.s_country}


{/if} {if $order_info.s_phone && $profields_s.s_phone}

{if $profields_s.s_phone}{$order_info.s_phone} {/if}

{/if} {include file="profiles/profiles_extra_fields.tpl" fields=$profile_fields.S} {/if} {/if} {/hook} {* Customer info *}