Show Price Also From Another Usergroup


We have different prices for an particular usergroup.
When the are logged in the see their prices, this is ok.

What I want is that they also see the default price as if they are not logged in.

What I have so far is this.

In my-Changes i have an file prices_block.override.tpl

But it won't show the default price of usergroup "0"

{include file="views/profiles/components/profiles_scripts.tpl"}
{include file="views/profiles/components/profile_fields.tpl"}

{if $product.price|floatval || $product.zero_price_action == “P” || ($hide_add_to_cart_button == “Y” && $product.zero_price_action == “A”)}
{include file=“common/price.tpl” value=$product.price span_id=“discounted_price_$obj_prefix``$obj_id” class=“ty-price-num” live_editor_name=“product:price:{$product.product_id}” live_editor_phrase=$product.base_price} ({(“including_tax”)}){if $product.unit_name} per {$product.unit_name}{/if}
€ {$product.clean_price|number_format:2:“,”:“.”} ({
(“exc_tax”)}){if $product.unit_name} per {$product.unit_name}{/if}

{if $auth.usergroup_ids[2] == 7}


{include file=“common/price.tpl” value=$product.price && $usergroup.usergroup_ids[2] == 0 }



{elseif $product.zero_price_action == “A” && $show_add_to_cart}
{assign var=“base_currency” value=$currencies[$smarty.const.CART_PRIMARY_CURRENCY]}

{if $base_currency.after != “Y”}{$base_currency.symbol nofilter}{/if}

{if $base_currency.after == “Y”}{$base_currency.symbol nofilter}{/if}

            {elseif $product.zero_price_action == "R"}
                <span class="ty-no-price">{__("contact_us_for_price")}</span>
                {assign var="show_qty" value=false}

You can use a catalog promotion to give a certain usergroup a discount. Then, when logged in, the usergroup customers see the original price, as well as the discounted price. No coding needed.