Mode When Cart Pop Ups, Wishlist, Compare

hello, im playing little bit with one addon , but cant find which mode is controlling the cart when something is added to cart and popus up, the wishlist page, and compare page....

$mode == 'view' || $mode == 'options'

but cant find which mode is controlling the cart when something is added to cart and popus up

In this case the system runs the 'checkout' controller with the 'add' mode. So in your test add-on you need to create controllers/frontend/checkout.[post_or_pre].php file (in demand if you want to run it before or after 'main' controller) with the mode:

if ($mode == 'add') {


the wishlist page

In this case the system runs in the 'wishlist' controller with the 'view' mode. But the addition to wishlist works in the 'wishlist' controller with the 'add' mode.

and compare page

In this case the system runs in the 'product_features' controller with the 'compare' mode. But the addition to comparison list works in the 'product_features'controller with the 'add_product' mode.

What problem do you want to solve?

What problem do you want to solve?

im playing with the PayPal button addon to have it in the cart also... when cart pop ups.... on the wishlist :) compare list :) i hope you can update the module with this ideas :)

Common template is used for these notifications. It can be found here
