Language Variables Problem

Dear members,

I have changed the text from Submit to order now for one-click buy from administration>language>translation

Now If I am posting a review it shows order now button instead of submit and it shows Order now everywhere else where submit was being used.

Any solution for such a problem? I want different text for different buttons


create new language variable and change default one to the custom one in the following line

    {include file="buttons/button.tpl" but_name="dispatch[call_requests.request]" but_text=__("submit") but_role="submit" but_meta="ty-btn__primary ty-btn__big cm-form-dialog-closer ty-btn"}

I added new language variable submit_1clickbuy then I put it like this in the following line


Cleared the cache but it did not work

Please help

I am using unitheme


create new language variable and change default one to the custom one in the following line

    {include file="buttons/button.tpl" but_name="dispatch[call_requests.request]" but_text=__("submit") but_role="submit" but_meta="ty-btn__primary ty-btn__big cm-form-dialog-closer ty-btn"}

Try to delete var/cache directory manually

I have deleted the cache manually as well from the directory but still, it is the same here is the code with the chaanges

{include file="buttons/button.tpl" but_name="dispatch[call_requests.request]" but_text=__("submit_1clickbuy") but_role="submit" but_meta="ty-btn__primary ty-btn__big cm-form-dialog-closer ty-btn"}

please tell me what is wrong with my code? this code is found design/themes/responsive/templates/addons/call_requests/views/call_requests/components/call_requests_content.tpl

Try to delete var/cache directory manually

I can assume that default template is overriden by 3rd party addon. It is required to examine the issue on your server