Hw To Show Profile Fields Next To Eachother In Mobile View

Dear members,

I am trying to optimize my checkout page, the length of the page is too much due to the fields aligned vertically after each other

as you can see here these 4 fields are taking too much space because they are aligned vertically http://prntscr.com/l1oi5u

I want to decrease their width and align them horizontally in a mobile version so, for example, they will look like this in mobile

Area: Block:

Street: House No:

instead of




House No:

YOur help will be appreciated

You can add custom CSS classes to profile fields. Then use media queries to add styles for mobile view. Custom CSS can be added in the CSS section of the Theme editor

Dear Ecom labs,

Can you please give one example so I can continue ??

How can I add custom CSS classes to profile fields?

You can add custom CSS classes to profile fields. Then use media queries to add styles for mobile view. Custom CSS can be added in the CSS section of the Theme editor

Please take a look
