Searched Pages/links Are Marked "noindex". Fix?

After being penalized severely when switched the site over to full https I have been looking into getting my site back to where it was within Google. I fixed the "noindex" issue within CS when switching over to full https (not sure WTH the cart would default to noindex for the switch). But I am now noticing that any pages that are dynamically searched, those are being told as noindex as well. So Google sees 5000 pages of mine as "noindex" even though I want them indexed. How do I fix this? Here is an example: I have lots of pages that link to search terms like this so would like these pages indexed.


Try to replace

'' => array(
        'noindex' => true


/*'' => array(
        'noindex' => true

Then clear cache and check

That worked as needed. Thanks!

why on earth would it contain noindex as standard ? seems strange to me.

why on earth would it contain noindex as standard ? seems strange to me.

That's what I thought. I guess back in the day you didn't want your secure pages indexed as those were only your checkout pages. But seems odd that you can make the entire site secure and no one thought that making all the pages noindex after that would be a bad idea. :confused:

why on earth would it contain noindex as standard ? seems strange to me.

It was on old versions, new versions do not put noindex on search results pages (except pages with selected filters)

May I know which file(s) should I look at for older version of CS-CART like 2.xx? Thank you!


Try to replace

'' => array(
        'noindex' => true


/*'' => array(
        'noindex' => true

Then clear cache and check

Please check fn_seo_is_indexed_page function in the addons/seo/func.php file

Please check fn_seo_is_indexed_page function in the addons/seo/func.php file

Thank you. Will look into it.