Cs-Cart 4.2.4 Php Message: Php Fatal Error: Session_Start(): Fai

I am getting this error after migrating to php 7.0 server
PHP message: PHP Fatal error:  session_start(): Failed to initialize storage module: user (path: /var/lib/php/sessions) in /var/www/html/app/Tygh/Session.php on line 341" while reading response header from upstream,

Session.php file

namespace Tygh;

use Tygh\Bootstrap;
use Tygh\Storage;

class Session
private static $_session;
private static $_name;

protected static $ttl_online = SESSION_ONLINE;
protected static $ttl_storage = SESSIONS_STORAGE_ALIVE_TIME;
protected static $ttl = SESSION_ALIVE_TIME;

 * Generate session ID for different area
 * @param string $sess_id session ID from cookie
 * @param string $area    session area
 * @return string modified session ID
private static function _sid($sess_id, $area = AREA)
    fn_set_hook('sid', $sess_id);

    return $sess_id . '_' . $area;

 * Generates session id
 * @return string new session ID
private static function _generateId()
    if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) {
        $bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16, $cstrong);
        $session_hash   = bin2hex($bytes);

    } else {
        $generated = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++) {
            $generated[] = mt_rand();

        $session_hash = md5(serialize($generated));

    return $session_hash;

 * Start session (default action)
 * @param string $save_path path for session storage
 * @param array  $sess_name session name
public static function open($save_path, $sess_name)

 * Close session (default action)
 * @return boolean always true
public static function close()
    return true;

 * Read session from session storage (default action)
 * @param string $sess_id session ID
 * @return array session data
public static function read($sess_id)
    return self::$_session->read($sess_id);

 * Write session to session storage (default action)
 * @param string $sess_id session ID
 * @param array  $data    session data
 * @return boolean true if saved, false otherwise
public static function write($sess_id, $data)
    return self::save($sess_id, $data);

 * Save session to storage
 * @param string $sess_id session ID
 * @param array  $data    session data
 * @param string $area    session area
 * @return boolean true if saved, false otherwise
public static function save($sess_id, $data, $area = AREA)
    if (empty(self::$_session)) {
        return false;

    // if used not by standard session handler, can accept data in array, not in serialized array
    if (is_array($data)) {
        $data = self::encode($data);

    $_data = array(
        'expiry' => TIME + self::$ttl,
        'data' => $data

    return self::$_session->write($sess_id, $_data);

 * Session serializer
 * @param array $data session data
 * @return string serialized data
public static function encode($data)

    $raw = '' ;
    $line = 0 ;
    $keys = array_keys($data) ;

    foreach ($keys as $key) {
        $value = $data[$key] ;

        $raw .= $key . '|' . serialize($value);


    return $raw ;


 * Session unserializer
 * @param string $string serialized session data
 * @return array unserialized session data
public static function decode($string)
    $data = array ();

    if (!empty($string)) {
        $vars = preg_split('/([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff^|]*)\|/', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

        for ($i = 0; !empty($vars[$i]); $i++) {
            $data[$vars[$i++]] = unserialize($vars[$i]);

    return $data;

 * Destroy session (default action)
 * @param string $sess_id session ID
 * @return boolean true if destroyed, false otherwise
public static function destroy($sess_id)
    return self::$_session->delete($sess_id);

 * Garbage collector (default action)
 * @param int $max_lifetime session life time
 * @return boolean always true
public static function gc($max_lifetime)

    // Delete custom files (garbage) from unlogged customers
    $files = Storage::instance('custom_files')->getList('sess_data');

    if (!empty($files)) {
        foreach ($files as $file) {
            $fdate = fileatime(Storage::instance('custom_files')->getAbsolutePath('sess_data/' . $file));

            if ($fdate < (TIME - SESSIONS_STORAGE_ALIVE_TIME)) {
                Storage::instance('custom_files')->delete('sess_data/' . $file);

    return true;

 * Get session variable name (default action)
 * @return string session name
public static function getName()
    return session_name();

 * Get session ID (default action)
 * @return string session ID
public static function getId()
    return session_id();

 * Set session ID
 * @param string $sess_id      session ID
 * @param bool   $need_postfix Determines whether it is necessary to add company_id and area code to the end of the session_id value
 * @return string new session ID
public static function setId($sess_id, $need_postfix = true)
    return ($need_postfix) ? session_id(self::_sid($sess_id)) : session_id($sess_id);

 * Regenerates session ID
 * @return string new session ID
public static function regenerateId()
    $old_id = self::getId();
    $new_id = self::_sid(self::_generateId());


    self::$_session->regenerate($old_id, $new_id);

    self::setId($new_id, false);
    $_COOKIE[self::$_name] = $new_id; // put new session to COOKIE to pass validation if start method

    // Update user_session_products
    db_query('UPDATE ?:user_session_products SET session_id = ?s WHERE session_id = ?s', $new_id, $old_id);

    return $new_id;

 * Re-create session, returns new session ID
 * @param string $sess_id session ID to start with
 * @return string new session ID
public static function resetId($sess_id = null)
    if ($sess_id == self::getId()) {
        return $sess_id;

    // session_destroy kills our handlers,
    // http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=32330
    // so we set them again
    if (!empty($sess_id)) {
        self::setId($sess_id, false);


    return self::getId();

 * Set session handlers
public static function setHandlers()
        array('\\Tygh\\Session', 'open'),
        array('\\Tygh\\Session', 'close'),
        array('\\Tygh\\Session', 'read'),
        array('\\Tygh\\Session', 'write'),
        array('\\Tygh\\Session', 'destroy'),
        array('\\Tygh\\Session', 'gc')

 * Starts session
 * @param array $request Request data
public static function start($request = array())
    // Force transfer session id to cookies if it passed via url
    if (!empty($request[self::$_name])) {
        self::setId($request[self::$_name], false);
    } elseif (empty($_COOKIE[self::$_name])) {


    // Session checker (for external services, returns "OK" if session exists, empty - otherwise)
    if (!empty($request['check_session'])) {
        die(!empty($_SESSION) ? 'OK' : '');

    // Validate session
    if (!defined('SKIP_SESSION_VALIDATION')) {
        $validator_data = self::getValidatorData();
        if (!isset($_SESSION['_validator_data'])) {
            $_SESSION['_validator_data'] = $validator_data;
        } else {
            if ($_SESSION['_validator_data'] != $validator_data) {
                $_SESSION = array();

    // _SESSION superglobal variable populates here, so remove it from global scope if needed
    if (Bootstrap::getIniParam('register_globals')) {


 * Set session params
public static function setParams()
    $host = defined('HTTPS') ? Registry::get('config.https_host') : Registry::get('config.http_host');

    if (strpos($host, '.') !== false) {
        // Check if host has www, www2, www4 prefix and remove it
        $host = preg_replace('/^www[0-9]*\./i', '', $host);
        $host = strpos($host, '.') === 0 ? $host : '.' . $host;
    } else {
        // For local hosts set this to empty value
        $host = '';

    ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', SESSIONS_STORAGE_ALIVE_TIME);
    $cookie_domain = '';
    if (!preg_match("/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/", $host, $matches)) {
        $cookie_domain = $host;
        ini_set('session.cookie_domain', $cookie_domain);
    $current_path = Registry::get('config.current_path');
    $cookie_path = !empty($current_path) ? $current_path : '/';
    ini_set('session.cookie_path', $cookie_path);
    ini_set('session.gc_probability', 1);
    ini_set('session.gc_divisor', 10); // probability is 10% that garbage collector starts

    ini_set('session.hash_function', '0'); // use md5 128bits
    ini_set('session.hash_bits_per_character', 4); // 4 bits for character, so we'll have 128/4 = 32 bytes hash length

    // Secure session cookie with HTTPONLY parameter
    session_set_cookie_params(SESSIONS_STORAGE_ALIVE_TIME, $cookie_path, $cookie_domain, false, true);

 * Get session validation data
 * @return array validation data
public static function getValidatorData()
    $data = array();

    if (defined('SESS_VALIDATE_IP')) {
        $ip = fn_get_ip();
        $data['ip'] = $ip['host'];

    // FIXME: Chromeframe could not work with Ajax and cookies. Session will be re-inited every time.
    // Waiting for the CHROME fix.
    if (defined('SESS_VALIDATE_UA') && !preg_match('/chromeframe/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
        $data['ua'] = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '';

    return $data;

 * Set session name
 * @param $account_type - current account type
 * @return boolean always true
public static function setName($account_type = ACCOUNT_TYPE)
    $sess_postfix = Registry::get('config.http_location');

    self::$_name = 'sid_' . $account_type . '_' . substr(md5($sess_postfix), 0, 5);

    return true;

 * Init session
 * @return boolean true if session was init correctly, false otherwise
public static function init($request)
    if (!empty($request['no_session'])) {
        fn_define('NO_SESSION', true);

    if (!defined('NO_SESSION')) {

        if (empty(self::$_session)) {
            $_session_class = Registry::ifGet('config.session_backend', 'database');
            $_session_class = '\\Tygh\\Backend\\Session\\' . ucfirst($_session_class);
            self::$_session = new $_session_class(Registry::get('config'), array(
                'ttl' => self::$ttl,
                'ttl_storage' => self::$ttl_storage,
                'ttl_online' => self::$ttl_online

        if (!empty(self::$_session)) {
            register_shutdown_function(array('\\Tygh\\Session', 'shutdown'));

            return true;

    return false;

 * Gets online sessions
 * @param  string $area session area
 * @return array  list of session IDs
public static function getOnline($area = AREA)
    return self::$_session->getOnline($area);

 * Calls session save handler
public static function shutdown()
    // we don't need to register shutdown function if it is ajax request,
    // because ajax request session manipulations are done in ob_handler.
    // ajax ob_handlers are lauched AFTER session_close so all session changes by ajax
    // will be unsaved.
    // so we call session_write_close() directly in our ajax ob_handler
    if (!defined('AJAX_REQUEST')) {


I will appreciate your help in this.

You can check this out https://docs.cs-cart.com/4.8.x/install/system_requirements.htmlso you will need to upgrade your CS-Cart if you want to use PHP 7.

Thanks - I will try php 5.6

Anyone please help I am trying to login admin panel and I am getting


frontend working fine