Sort Categories By Name - Addon Category As Filter By Ecom-Labs

Does anyone know how to sort the categories in this particular (great) addon to sort the categories by name instead of it's default sorted by date that the category is created.

I presume it is somewhere here in this line of code:

function fn_ecl_filter_by_categories_get_product_filters_before_select($fields, $join, &$condition, $group_by, $sorting, $limit, $params, $lang_code)
    if (isset($params['fbc'])) {
        if (AREA == 'A') {
            if (isset($params['feature_type'])) {
                $_condition = db_quote("?:product_features.feature_type IN (?a)", $params['feature_type']);
            $condition = str_replace($_condition, '(' . $_condition . ' OR ?:product_filters.field_type = "C" )', $condition);


The categories are sorted by name within this module

I think then that we have an issue.

Take a look

[attachment=13409:2018-08-17 13_44_34-Type - voedingssupplementen als aanvulling op de normale voeding, vitamine, mine.jpg]

My categories do not appear to be in alphabetical order.

2018-08-17 13_44_34-Type - voedingssupplementen als aanvulling op de normale voeding, vitamine, mine.jpg

Do you maybe have category positions that the add-on takes?

Do you maybe have category positions that the add-on takes?

All set to zero (0) for at least these categories shown here

PM me, we will check the issue

PM me, we will check the issue

I sent an email just now to