Paypal Errors Extremely Annoying

Not sure what causes this every day "losing orders" with following error:

Payment processor response
Transaction was canceled by the customer
I know that customers didn't cancel the orders but it was the communication from cart to PAYPAL. The connection from CS CART itself to PAYPAL is just having small sentence left top corner where many customers don't even see it.
Is there any ADVANCED paypal module for CS CART where customer can truly see that they are still having connection between CART and PAYPAL.
Any ready module welcomed.

I had this for past 3 days, many orders staying incomplete, but today seems to have cleared itself up?

I've had this issue for some 2-3 weeks. Today 20 orders alone end up to same error. I tried to look around server logs and cpanel logs etc. all possible logs I can get in my hands. I first thought it might be browser related issue but it's not. I even went so far that asked customers if they use cookie blockers etc. something that might be the reason. I ended up to no reasonable conclusion.

I think the PAYPAL payment gateway should be similar like at NAME.COM (Domain seller) who keeps customers nicely on site while Paypal process (after login) the payment. It keeps customers on site and you can see process what's going on.

Right now in CS CART there's only one sentence on top left corner that directing to PAYPAL. Many customers may see as "suspicious" and may stop process. This was also one issue with 4 customers who mention about it.

If any developer can do some better advanced PayPal addon. I am ready for it.

PayPal standard website payments redirect customers to paypal

PayPal express checkout when in "Use In-Context Checkout" keeps customer on site.

Problem is that if problem appears there is actually no explanation as to what happened.

For example when placing order via braintree same paypal payment, you know that reason for fail is insufficient funds, bank decline and similar..

I've had this issue for some 2-3 weeks. Today 20 orders alone end up to same error. I tried to look around server logs and cpanel logs etc. all possible logs I can get in my hands. I first thought it might be browser related issue but it's not. I even went so far that asked customers if they use cookie blockers etc. something that might be the reason. I ended up to no reasonable conclusion.

I think the PAYPAL payment gateway should be similar like at NAME.COM (Domain seller) who keeps customers nicely on site while Paypal process (after login) the payment. It keeps customers on site and you can see process what's going on.

Right now in CS CART there's only one sentence on top left corner that directing to PAYPAL. Many customers may see as "suspicious" and may stop process. This was also one issue with 4 customers who mention about it.

If any developer can do some better advanced PayPal addon. I am ready for it.