Make Vendor Seo Content Address Under ""?

One of the thing that bugs me about cs-cart (multi-vendor) right now is that you can't seem to be able to "sub-categories" SEO content. If vendors add content, their SEO address appears at the root of your site. So if they create a page called "contact-us" (for example), then I can't use "" anymore.

Is there any way to make vendor content be put under ""?

These are "pages" in cs-cart and they do not have a heirarchy. Hence pages in a vendor area can conflict with pages for the site. Suggest you remove permissions for editing the SEO name and change the rules to have it be vendor_name-contact-us.

It is not possible out of the box. It is required to rework SEO addon to change SEO URLs in such a way

These are "pages" in cs-cart and they do not have a heirarchy. Hence pages in a vendor area can conflict with pages for the site. Suggest you remove permissions for editing the SEO name and change the rules to have it be vendor_name-contact-us.

Thanks. Any idea how I would change those rules? Is there a lot of coding involved?

Not sure, but it's probably a substantial number of hours and would most likely require modification to several distributed core files and addons. The trouble is that a customer in MVE doesn't have a vendor context, they see all vendors as simply suppliers of products.