How To Change "no Image" With Custom Image In 4.7.2

Dear Members,

I want to replace the default image that shows when no product picture is uploaded, with my own custom image, how can I do that?

replace 'images/no_image.gif' and 'images/no_image.png' with appropriate images. Be sure to clear the thumbnail cache after you're done via '?ct'.

replace 'images/no_image.gif' and 'images/no_image.png' with appropriate images. Be sure to clear the thumbnail cache after you're done via '?ct'.

"No image" image is displayed through the glyphs font. How to change it, you can find here

"No image" image is displayed through the glyphs font. How to change it, you can find here

I want to show a custom Image instead of a glyph icon, please tell me solution for it.

You should change the following line of code in the design/themes/THEME/templates/common/image.tpl file

Use "img" tag instead of "i" one

You should change the following line of code in the design/themes/THEME/templates/common/image.tpl file

Use "img" tag instead of "i" one

Dear Ecom lab, i did this and the image is showing now but it is showing out of dimensions, If you can tell me the WxH of the image then I think it will be fixed according to the screen? Thanks alot for your support :)

Try to leave the following code on img

style="height: {$image_height|default:$image_width}px; width: {$image_width|default:$image_height}px;"

Try to leave the following code on img

style="height: {$image_height|default:$image_width}px; width: {$image_width|default:$image_height}px;"

Dear Ecom Labs, I tired to do the same but as you know I have 2 products showing in products side by side, the product with no image is pushing the product below it and messing the layout in mobile, If you can do something about it, It will be greatly appreciated.

Please PM me URL where I can see the issue

Can anyone help me with getting the images removed for the sub categories and code to go down then across

Can any one please help me remove the image completely from the sub category layout?

Also i would like the order of the categories to go A,B,C down then across. Will post a screen shot example

What do you mean by " sub category layout" ?