Upgrade From 4.7 To 4.8.1 Always Stalls On Phinxlogxxxxxxx

Upgrade 4.7 To 4.8.1 Always Stalls On Phinxlogxxxxxxx

I set the max time to 3600

I set memory to 512m

Upgrade 4.7 To 4.8.1 Always Stalls On Phinxlogxxxxxxx
I set the max time to 3600
I set memory to 512m

Most likely, the issue appears because script faces timeout limits on the server. Please contact your server administrators and ask them to increase the Master values of the following PHP settings on the server to the greatest possible:


Note that if PHP runs in the CGI/FastCGI mode on your server, there should be separate settings for timeout limits that the server administrator can increase.

For example, if the mod_fcgid is used on the server, we can offer to increase the following parameters:


Also ask the administrator to increase the wait_timeout and max_allowed_packet MySQL settings values.

Hope this will help you.

You can also skip the backup step during the upgrade. This will significantly reduce the upgrade duration and may help to avoid the issue with server timeouts. Please refer to step 2.6 from the following article:


Note that you have to backup database and installation files manually if you choose this solution.

Thanks all

i enable the developer mode and i skip backup stage so the upgrade takes less than five minutes.