Payment Method Description To Admin Order Details Page

is there an easy way to display besides payment method title also description, in admin order details page?

Dont want to put explanation to make title too long.



{$order_info.payment_method.instructions nofilter}


{if $order_info.payment_info}

Note: instructions are stored in database with order data. So if you change instruction, old value will be displayed for orders which were placed before this date

I think it is for payment instructions, originally I have asked for description field.

What should I use for description field instead of $order_info.payment_method.instructions

as I understand I could use $order_info.payment_method.description

but this gives me nothing


In this case try

{$p_data = $order_info.payment_id|fn_get_payment_method_data}
{if $p_data.description}
    {$p_data.description nofilter}

Added your code as this

{$p_data = $order_info.payment_id|fn_get_payment_method_data}
{if $p_data.description}
{$p_data.description nofilter}

{if $order_info.payment_info}
{foreach from=$order_info.payment_info item=item key=key}



but no change in admin order details page

Try to add the following to check what information is returned by the function
