Using Formula In Email Template Snippets

I am trying to add to the Order confirmation email the expected ship date which is calculated using the order timestamp.

This code worked in a previous version of the cart V2.2.3

{if $order_info.timestamp+16*24*60*60|date_format:'%A' == "Saturday"}
Your order is expected to ship on or around {$order_info.timestamp+18*24*60*60|date_format:'%A, %m/%d/%Y'}.
{elseif $order_info.timestamp+16*24*60*60|date_format:'%A' == "Sunday"}
Your order is expected to ship on or around {$order_info.timestamp+17*24*60*60|date_format:'%A, %m/%d/%Y'}.
Your order is expected to ship on or around {$order_info.timestamp+16*24*60*60|date_format:'%A, %m/%d/%Y'}.
When I put {{order_info.timestamp+16*24*60*60|date_format:'%A'}} in a snippet in comes back with
ErrorUnknown "date_format" filter at line 284.
Any ideas?

Unfortunately, Twig templates do not allow to use php functions like Smarty