Sort Order Of Products When Adding Order In Admin

Whats the default sort order ? I cant tell. Can I change it to price or product code somehow



it appears it is done by product (name) and then product_id based on the SQL debugger output from the 'manage' page. Unfortunately, the debugger doesn't track ajax requests but the order appears to be the same. But you seem to be in a "picker" where my "add product" for a new order is an auto-fill drop-down that is predictive based on entered text.

The query ends up being:

SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS products.product_id, descr1.product as product, as company_name FROM cscart_products as products LEFT JOIN cscart_product_descriptions as descr1 ON descr1.product_id = products.product_id AND descr1.lang_code = 'en' LEFT JOIN cscart_product_prices as prices ON prices.product_id = products.product_id AND prices.lower_limit = 1 LEFT JOIN cscart_companies AS companies ON companies.company_id = products.company_id INNER JOIN cscart_products_categories as products_categories ON products_categories.product_id = products.product_id INNER JOIN cscart_categories ON cscart_categories.category_id = products_categories.category_id WHERE 1 AND prices.usergroup_id IN (0) GROUP BY products.product_id ORDER BY product asc, product_id ASC LIMIT 0, 10


We have addon for independ sorting in admin panel. Maybe he could be useful.

Best regards


Thanks Robert, will your addon do this ? it doesnt seem to show it does, or can anyone make a mod for me to do this

Hello John.

I sent you message with access to demo shop with this addon for test.

Best regards


Hello John.

I sent you message with access to demo shop with this addon for test.

Best regards


Works thanks



Hello John.

I sent you message with access to demo shop with this addon for test.

Best regards


How long until I can download Robert

Hello John.

Yesterday I sent you a package.

Best regards.
