Product Options Not Showing On View Cart Page

I have a store which offers personalised products.

I have created a product with a product option (text box) that allows customers to enter the details of the personalisation required ('Describe your design here').

When I add a personalised product to the cart and then use the View Cart option, the completed product option is not displayed. I get the product with an empty text field.

How do I get the personalisation options to carry over to the View Cart page?

I have a store which offers personalised products.

I have created a product with a product option (text box) that allows customers to enter the details of the personalisation required ('Describe your design here').

When I add a personalised product to the cart and then use the View Cart option, the completed product option is not displayed. I get the product with an empty text field.

How do I get the personalisation options to carry over to the View Cart page?

At first try to reproduce it on the demo store. If you can reproduce the issue, post bug to the bug tracker .

I'm sure that our Product Designer module will help you a lot.

It's powerful and complex solution for cs-cart stores that offer customized products, for example, custom design t-shirts, mugs, pillows, cards, promotional items and etc.


Feel free to ask any questions about this module -

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