Landing Page After Placing Order - How To.. Diy?

Does anyone know how to create a special landing page for orders that are finalized by the customer?

I am looking to add some nescessary content for the customer who finalizes his / her order.

When by default you finalize your order you are being served


Now I would like to add more information that should go above the text

Congratulations! Your order has been succesfully placed. Order details

...etc etc.

Do it in Languages->Translations. Search for text_order_placed_successfully

Do it in Languages->Translations. Search for text_order_placed_successfully

Found it thanks. Just not quite sure if this will also support HTML + smarty content.

For instance

Wat gebeurt er nu?


Een bevestiging

Er wordt een e-mail gestuurd met een orderbevestiging. Nog niet betaald? Betaalinstructies krijg je per mail! Al wel betaald? Zie hierdan hoe we jouw bestelling behandelen.


Duurzame verpakking

GooHoo is duurzaam! Zo hergebruiken wij bijna alle dozen die bij ons binnenkomen. Je herkent jouw bestelling aan onze GooHoo-tape!



Gekozen voor verzending? Bekijk hier hoe we ervoor zorgen dat de bestelling bij jou terecht komt. Liever in de winkel ophalen? Klik dan href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">hier voor meer informatie.


Chauffeur onderweg

Als jouw bestelling is meegegeven aan een van onze vervoerders dan kun je deze binnen één tot enkele werkdagen thuis verwachten!


Gelukt! De bestelling is goed doorgekomen. Je ontvangt nu een mailtje met een overzicht. Niet ontvangen? Kijk dan even in je SPAM mailbox! .

Instructies om te betalen

Je hebt ervoor gekozen om je bestelling te betalen met iDEAL. Als de betaling is gelukt ontvang je de bestelling z.s.m. in huis. Als de betaling nog niet is gelukt ontvang je een e-mail waarin we je vragen om de betaling nog te voldoen.

You lost me. What exactly are you trying to do?

Translations supports HTML but I doubt Smarty.

Note that there is Order landing page layout page where you can modify look and feel of this page and add new blocks with custom HTML/SMARTY content

Ecom has the best/easiest way. There are also specific hooks in the views/orders/complete.tpl template if you want to insert info at specific locations within the page. But if you're just wanting to do some kind of banner, a block on the page would be easiest/best.

You lost me. What exactly are you trying to do?

Translations supports HTML but I doubt Smarty.

Just trying to add a storyline of what the buyer may expect after he/she finishes the order. What will happens next after he/she has placed the order succesfully.

Just trying to add a storyline of what the buyer may expect after he/she finishes the order. What will happens next after he/she has placed the order succesfully.

Did you make it?

Did you make it?

No not yet, having too much on my plate right now to actually create that piece of HTML and drop into the translation section as The Tool suggested.

Drop me PM in what I really need right now.

Suggest you just creeate a smarty/html block for the summary page.

Suggest you just creeate a smarty/html block for the summary page.

Using the existing layout that the order landing page is using?

Yes, just add a new block or grid depending on how you want it to appear.

Using the layout manager, you can place the block anywhere you want on the page.

Suggest either very top or very bottom (below other content). It's really easy. Just like any other block. Just use html content and you can then include the order_id in any links you use by using {$order_data.order_id}, etc... All the normal $order_data variables are there.

Thanks, I will get started with your "resolution" asap. Just having to get around some other issues concerning my home page canonical issues.

Thanks, I will get started with your "resolution" asap. Just having to get around some other issues concerning my home page canonical issues.

I am trying to do the same - put some HTML around "Congratulations your order has been successfully placed"

Did you make any progress if yes can you share?

I am trying to do the same - put some HTML around "Congratulations your order has been successfully placed"

Did you make any progress if yes can you share?

If you need small changes, just correct the value of the text_order_placed_successfully language variable on the Administration -> Languages -> Translations page

For big amount of data, please use the checkout:order_confirmation hook in the following file


or change the template directly (not recommended)