How To Add Block Into "main Content" Block


I need help to configure Main Content block, so that I can add any block into it.

My aim is not to have Product Description taking whole width, but to have some other block on the right side.

Please look:

Changing the whole Main Contens grid width size is not solution, since product image and price should stay the same.



You can take advantage of the hook

{hook name="products:product_tabs"}

from product template tpl

#default content

        {hook name="products:product_tabs"}
            {include file="views/tabs/components/product_tabs.tpl"}
        {if $blocks.$}
            {include file=$blocks.$ content=$smarty.capture.tabsbox_content title=$blocks.$tabs_block_id.description}
            {$smarty.capture.tabsbox_content nofilter}

you can use pre + post tpl hooks to create the column you need or you just override and add your own code

Please feel free to ask any questions!

Keep on smiling,

part of

Thanks for info..

But I guess this option includes loosing content after update.

Is there any addon that will solve the problem, but stay after update?


Is there any addon that will solve the problem, but stay after update?

This is a custom development and if is done well will not be lost over the upgrade, you can use add-on "My Changes"