Set The Default Sorting By Date Desc

I strongly recommend cs-cart development team set the default sorting by date desc ( new to old )for the list of Customer / Abandonded Cart / Backup/Restore, the backup/restore not support sort, this is not a big problem, but it's friendly for user and your customers.
find: $sorting = db_sort($params, $sortings, 'customer', 'asc');
replace with; $sorting = db_sort($params, $sortings, 'date', 'desc');
it is on line 8449 on cs-cart v4.4.2

You can easily use the 'get_carts_before_select' hook to change the sorting by adding a function to your my_changes addon and a call to fn_register_hooks('get_carts_before_select'); in my_changes/init.php.



fn_register_hooks( 'get_carts_before_select');

and in my_changes/func.php

function fn_my_changes_get_carts_before_select(&$params, &$items_per_page, &$fields, &$join, &$condition, &$group, &$sorting, &$limit) {
  $sorting = 'ORDER BY date DESC'; // Note 'date' is aliased from ?:user_session_products.timestamp


Please, tell me in layman's terms how to do it as a simple end user!

Found this topic as being the only one.

I've tried to find the answer at the forums or in the help function but it's too generic to find and yet insanely simple... it DRIVES ME CRAZY to see a seemingly random sorting (alphabetical?) of both customers and abandoned charts!

I WANT THEM SORTED CHRONOLOGICALLY BY NEWEST FIRST.. but each and every time it's sorted properly it reverts back to the standard crappy sorting.. it;s been like this forever now and the very last drop in the bucket was seeing the abandoned cart sorted the wrong way.. (it used to be fine then a crash or update put it back to... ).