Megnor Custom Js File?


Is anyone able to explain what js/megnor/custom.js?ver=4.6.2 is? I found when using the Google Chrome dev tools to check the speed of my website and it says "Status Code: 404 Not Found"

If I try to browse to it, it just returns the 404 error page. When I check the folder structure of my website, I dont have a folder called megnor

Many thanks!


Is anyone able to explain what js/megnor/custom.js?ver=4.6.2 is? I found when using the Google Chrome dev tools to check the speed of my website and it says "Status Code: 404 Not Found"

If I try to browse to it, it just returns the 404 error page. When I check the folder structure of my website, I dont have a folder called megnor

Many thanks!

report here

Why report it to the bug tracker? It doesn't appear to be included in the default installation.

Ghiyas, it is/was probably a part of a 3rd party addon/theme.?

You should browse the code and find out where it's being called from before making any decisions about it. Could be a left-over as tool stated or it could be an expected component of an existing addon that is missing the file from the archive.

We have scanned 4.6.x and 4.7.x versions and failed to find any mentions about this file in the source code. So check 3rd party modules

i just pointed to scan if this file exist in clean installation. that is why bugtracker
