Exclude Shipping Cost From Promotions

Hi. I have this case...

I run 1 store where I offer 45% discount on all cataloge products.

However it seems that discount applies to shipping too. Which is wrong.

Shipping is... shipping and has standard costs (price includes vat).

Is there a way to show and calculate VAT for product (after discount promotion) AND have the shipping without discount? Same applies for payment options (cash on delivery).

Thank you.

Regarding shipping in promotions, it sounds like you may be using a 'cart' promotion rather than a 'catalog' promotion. or you might not be using the appropriate condition/bonus. Would need more details about the promotion setup.

I'm not sure if you have "display price including taxes" set will discount actual price first, then apply tax (as it seems it should) or whether it takes the display price + tax and then applies the bonus. I think one of the European/Candaidan's would have to answer that from their experience.

Hi. Thank you for this.

Actually it is a catalog promotion.

The condition is for any product price over zero (for all conditions being true) and the bonus is "by percentage of the original price".

Must I set it otherwise?

Hi. Thank you for this.

Actually it is a catalog promotion.

The condition is for any product price over zero (for all conditions being true) and the bonus is "by percentage of the original price".

Must I set it otherwise?


The discount should be applied only to the product price. Can it be some cart promotion that is applied along with your catalog promotion?

Hi. Thank you for this.

Actually it is a catalog promotion.

The condition is for any product price over zero (for all conditions being true) and the bonus is "by percentage of the original price".

Must I set it otherwise?

If that's the only active promotion in the order then the bonus should only be being applied to the products and not the shipping. Suggest you get helpdesk to review a specific example in your store. I would assume that if this were true for all users that there would be much more discussion and something would be in bugtracker.