Email Verification

Verify Customer Email Address:

Sorry if this has already been covered but I could not find it mentioned anywhere in the forums, either because it hasn’t been covered or because I’m not using the proper search criteria. I could not find it mentioned in the manuals or through google searches either.

To the point…

before going live with the shopping cart, I’ve been testing every thing I could, trying to avoid issues later.

One issue that has recently popped up, is “[COLOR=“Blue”]Customer Email Verification[/COLOR]”.

The wrong email address can be used to register and place orders. You will get a copy of the invoice, but the customers copy goes to limbo because they typed in the wrong email address.

[COLOR=“Red”]Is there a method that I am missing, that will require customers to verify their email address to complete registration such as most CMS’s?[/COLOR]

Thanks in advance for any help.

using CS-CART 1.3.5-sp1

There is currently no provision in CS-Cart to verify the email address by requiring a response to an email in order to finalize registration. You can make a feature request that the developers include it in a future version.


[quote name=‘wacheek’]

The wrong email address can be used to register and place orders.


Are you saying people are mispelling their emails or they are not structured correctly?

[quote name=‘baballuci’]Are you saying people are mispelling their emails or they are not structured correctly?[/QUOTE]

Simply misspelling, nothing more than a typo.

Of course since there is no verification methodology or scripting, then they can continue on shopping never realizing that they entered the wrong email address via typo thus, never getting their copies of the invoices.

As Bob suggested, I placed this into the requests section of these forums, maybe its something they can implement in the future.

For now, just to add a slight amount of redundancy, I added another input field into the authentication form labeled “Enter Your Email Again”.

Perhaps just that little bit will have potential clients double check their email addresses.

It is not a major issue although it is one that I personally believe should be addressed. You may always contact customers via their supplied phone number to get in touch with them but… this is an e-world now and email is the preferred method.

Opinions? Thoughts? I welcome any input and discussion on the matter.