Adroll Enhanced Conversion Tracking Question

I am working with cs cart 4.4.3 and trying to implement the ECT tracking for adroll.

The code they request you enter is below

The X, W, and Z need to be specific for CS cart.

After a little trial and error I have come up with the coding below that is placed in design/themes/responsive_cs/templates/views/checkout checkout.tpl

and the result at checkout with a test order is

<script type="text/javascript">
adroll_conversion_value = '0.53';
adroll_currency = "USD";
adroll_custom_data = "ORDER_ID": '', "USER_ID": '';


I believe I have the wrong call outs for the order_id and user_id but I have not been able to get a value to come up. I have looked in the docs but I am not able to come up with an answer.

Anyone work with adroll before and this script?


You should add the code to the following template (it has hooks)



Thanks for the suggestion,

I think there is an extra set of { } in the code you suggested. I had to remove the them and it works great!

Thank You

I have corrected my post. Thank you.