How To Show Features Tab When Creating New Product?

When creating new products, many of the tabs do not appear, including the 'features' tab. It only appears after the item is created.

Is there a way to include this (and potentially other) tabs when adding a new product?

When creating new products, many of the tabs do not appear, including the 'features' tab. It only appears after the item is created.

Is there a way to include this (and potentially other) tabs when adding a new product?


Please find the "add" mode in the app/controllers/backend/products.php file. You can add tabs to this array:

Registry::set('navigation.tabs', array (
    'detailed' => array (
        'title' => __('general'),
        'js' => true
    'images' => array (
        'title' => __('images'),
        'js' => true
    'seo' => array(
        'title' => __('seo'),
        'js' => true
    'qty_discounts' => array (
        'title' => __('qty_discounts'),
        'js' => true
    'addons' => array (
        'title' => __('addons'),
        'js' => true

Cheers! Exactly what I was looking for.

Dont think adding this to the above code since Features are category dependent. Once the product is created with a category feature associated with that category only are shown in the tab.

        'shippings' => array (
            'title' => __('shipping_properties'),
            'js' => true

Dont think adding this to the above code will work , since Features are category dependent. Once the product is created with a category feature associated with that category only are shown in the tab.

Dont think adding this to the above code will work , since Features are category dependent. Once the product is created with a category feature associated with that category only are shown in the tab.

Depends on what you mean by 'work'. It definitely works to show the tab... which is what I was asking about. The tab is empty however, as I think you are suggesting.

So part 2 would be getting the fields to show up so that a product can be created with features in one swoop.

So part 2 would be getting the fields to show up so that a product can be created with features in one swoop.

Please try

    list($product_features, $features_search) = fn_get_paginated_product_features(
        array('product_id' => $product_data['product_id']),
        $auth, $product_data,
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('product_features', $product_features);
Tygh::$app['view']->assign('features_search', $features_search);