"newest" Only Showing In Stock Items

I've setup a block on my homepage that shows newest items. It works fine except it only shows items "in stock". I don't see a setting on the block options or the block itself to change that. Can someone tell me how to adjust this setting to show all new?



Pay attention to the "Allow negative amount in inventory" field in the Catalog zone in the general settings. Admin panel ->settings -> general.

Best regards,


You can try our free In Stock Sorting module to put products to the end of array with results. As a result only in stock products will be displayed in the block

We also have free "Stock filter" add-on.

You are welcome to download it and participate in our charity program, if you wish.

Best regards,


Hi thank you.

But what I am trying to adjust is the "newest" selection on a "Hot Deals" block to show _all_ new items, not just in-stock items. These mods allow different sorting of product pages.


Hi thank you.

But what I am trying to adjust is the "newest" selection on a "Hot Deals" block to show _all_ new items, not just in-stock items. These mods allow different sorting of product pages.


Our module sorts product by stock value at first and then selected sorting is used (by time in your case). So in the "Newest products" block you will see recently added products which are in stock