Multivendor Shipping - Can Store Owner Supply?

On our shop our vendors need to create their own realtime shipping accounts with suppliers like Fedex, enter their own credentials, etc.

As a result we have hundreds of shipping methods on our shop. The process of obtaining those credentials and configuring shipping is anything but transparent. For us it's a chaotic and a huge hurdle for our many non-technical users to jump.

Is there a way to offer "default" realtime services to vendors that could be added to their accounts?

For example: We, as store owners, set up a Fedex shipping method that can be added to the account of requesting vendors. When said shipping is included in an order, the shipping charge is deducted from the vendors take and comes back to us along with our commission (via Paypal adaptive).

This would be a lot slicker for us, and lead to a lot less tech support queries...


We made similar modifications. Unfortunately, it is not possible out of the box

Oh, I assumed.